Belly Dance History
It is hard to say when "belly dancing" started and where. I have
created this page to help reveal it's mysteries. I have gathered books, web sites,
articles, anything I could find on this subject. Also included on this page is
information about the different styles of dance and types of dances.
This is not an all inclusive list of resources. New items will be added when I run
across them. I hope you enjoy exploring this wonderful art form.
Types of Dances
Stars of Belly Dance
Articles - The below articles are linked from web sites.
the Dance - by Jen Al-Amira
What is Middle Eastern Dance - by Lady Blodwen Ferch Maergred
In Search of the
Origins of Dance - from Andrea Deagon's website
Century Middle Eastern Dance - by Kimberly A. Minardi (aka Narah)
Primer on Middle Eastern
Dance Styles - Beginners are often confused about the many dance
styles in Middle Eastern dance. Our dance comes from many countries, so
there is great variety. The wide range of choices is one of the charms.
There are general characteristics in each style, however, which
differentiate them.
Books - Some of these books are out of print. If you ever see
them in a bookstore, flea market or on the web, buy them, they are priceless.
" Ancient
Egyptian Dances" by Irena Lexova, Diane Bergman
(Introduction), K. Haltmar (translator)
Excellent resource on the history, mystery and origins of belly dance. Has sections on
purely movemental dance, gymnastic dance, imitative dance, dramatic dance, lyrical dance,
funeral dance, religious dance, accompaniments of the dance, dance with musical
instruments, movements of the legs, arms, and trunk, costumes of the ancient Egyptian
women and men dancers, a note on the historical development of the ancient Egyptian art of
dancing, and a note on the Egyptian dances, as performed by modern women dancers.
176 pages, $7.95
Publication date March 2000
Dover Publishers, ISBN 0486409066
"Belly Dancing, the serpent and the sphinx" by Wendy Buonaventura.
This beautifully illustrated book is a pot-pourri of myth, history, anecdote,
travelers tales and accounts by belly dancers today.
Virago Press, London, 1983, ISBN 0-86068-279-X,
Out of Print
"Looking For Little Egypt" by Donna Carlton. This book is very
well written. The author did a lot of research before writting this book.
Paperback (June 1995), International Dance Discovery Books; ISBN: 0962399817, $14.95
"The Oldest Dance" by Zarifa Aradoon. Orgins and
philosophy of Danse Oriental [commonly known as belly dancing]. Includes discussions
of the dance as seen by foreign travelers.
Dream Place Publications, CA, 1979, ISBN 0-930486-01-3, Out of Print
"Oriental Belly
Dance "by Kemal Ozdemir. This book is from Turkey and includes the history
of belly dancing, Turkish folk dance, modern and classical dances, Oriental dancers,
Oriental dance music, costumes for oriental dancing, the masters of Turkish belly dancing
and a guide to watch an Oriental dance performance to name a few. The illustrations
and photographs are awesome. The book takes a long time to receive, but it was worth
it. 160 pages, published by Donence Basim ve Yayun Hizmetleri, Istanbul/Turkey, ISBN
975-7054-11-9, $50.00
"The Rom: walking in the paths of the gypsies" by Roger Moreau.
The author's account of his efforts to research the history of the Rroma, especially those
aspects that are still not completely understood by modern-day Gypsiologists.
Paperback - 304 pages (September 1997), Key Porter Books; ISBN: 1550138685; $14.95
"Serpent of the Nile: women and dance in the Arab world" by
Wendy Buonaventura. Explores the history of belly dancing from ancient times through
the resent.
Paperback - 208 pages Reprint edition (February 1998), Interlink Pub Group; ISBN:
1566563003; $35.00
Web Sites - The below web sites touch on the history of belly dancing.
History of Oriental Dance -
Books, music, FAQ's and articles about the history of belly dancing. From Shira's
- from StreetSwing.com dance history archive
Belly Dance - from StreetSwing.com dance history archive
Types of Dances
Web Sites - The below web sites touch on the different styles of belly
Helene Ericksen - her
website contains a lot of information, both in text and photos, of dances
from various countries.
Styles of Belly Dance in the United States -
Overview of the different styles of dance within the U.S. Contains terminology, structure
of dance, finger cymbals and type of dance moves to name a few. From Shira's web
Discussion of floorwork
- FAQ's from Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
Gypsy, Flamenco & Middle Eastern Dance
Misunderstandings - FAQ's from Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
Snake Dancing - FAQ's
from Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
That Snake Charmer Song - History
of the "Snake Charmer" song. You know the one, that very annoying sound
that has nothing to do with the Middle Eastern Dance. Listen to the song
recorded by Carl Stevens and His Circus Band and other artists. From Shira's Site.
Guedra - FAQ's from
Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
The Zar - FAQ's from
Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
Zar Revisited - by Me'ira
Dance of the Seven
Veils and Salome - FAQ's from Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
Veil - Information on American night
club, Tribal Fusion and Egyptian Raqs Sharqi viel work. From Shira's web site.
Veil Dancing - FAQ's from
Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide.
Stars of Belly Dance
Badia Masabni
Clips from YouTube
Fifi Abdou
Clips from YouTube
Mona el Said
Clips from YouTube
Nagwa Fouad
Clips from YouTube
Naima Akef
Clips from YouTube
Samia Gamal
Clips from YouTube
Souhair Zaki
Clips from YouTube
Tahia Carioca
Clips from YouTube
Websites and General Articles Featuring
the Stars of
Belly Dancing
More about Yasmina
& Performances
Bio, Photos & More
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What's Happening!
Check out the events
page for happenings around the State.
Belly Dancing
Winter Session
January 14th
February 26th
Cabaret Classes
Tuesday Nights
Beyond Basic 6:30 - 7:30
Drum & Zills 7:30 - 8:30
Tribal Classes
Wednesday Nights
Basic Tribal 5:30 - 6:30
Beyond Basic 6:30 - 7:30
Classes in:
American Cabaret
and Tribal
Mesa Arts Center
1 East Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
more information